From an initial glance, I personally wouldn't go with Dhosting due to the high upfront cost (~$200).
Judging by your needs, you need a flexible/ scalable VPS which lead me to recommend Cloudways.
An advantage of Cloudways is its a pay per hour meaning if you decide not to run your server 3 months down the line, you only pay for what you have used and are not wasting money on the 9 months extra you paid for in a yearly subscription package such as Dhosting's offering.
Since Cloudways is essentially Digital Ocean, Linode , Vultr VPS but resold with support , you have the flexibility of a VPS meaning you can dynamically scale your server to your needs.
If you are worried about a sudden increase in visitors, then there is no need to worry as VPS are very robust and when it comes to high load they can handle the increased influx. I tested on the lowest $10 per month plan for cloudways and it was easily able to handle 5000 requests a SECOND when testing with loader.io .
So at the end of the day, go with VPS hosting as it more than suitable for your needs.
PS : I am not endorsed by any service stated above, im just an advocate for getting people to use cloud/VPS hosting ?