Luceus, I translated the entire Locum file to the current version, however, I am not very knowledgeable and when I replace my translated files, they are giving "500 Internal Server" error.
I will be making Loca available here translated in Portuguese, with emails and everything else, if you can solve this "500 Internal Server" error that I imagine is because the files are not in ABNT, you could release them to us correctly.
The Brazilian public for your forum is very big and has great potential to grow your project here, but all BR translations that I downloaded gave this error 500 and the one I translated, being careful not to modify the important variables, still gave 500 Internal Server error
Option 1 = https://drive.google.com/open?id=1llLnEpqFCzY3hYOpTHtnXko5LtvgvFbr
Option 2 = https://mega.nz/#!AFwngQBS!Yoxf0t3oUqN3IPhFimprtxZUfQK10pZtkeQcnKgWWk8