this juste an idea ...
Inspire from : Link
Bot that can do :
Actions / events
The following actions / events are implemented at the moment:
- time-controlled circulars with configurable repetition frequency and with or without counter; e.g. for automatic
- countdowns, anniversaries,
- monitoring of user birthdays and membership anniversaries,
- monitoring of user registrations and self-initiated deletion of the user account,
- monitoring of the report content-system,
- tracing of user inactivity to include automatic reminders, deactivation and removal of user accounts,
- monitoring of user profile (for changes of avatar, signature, email, username...),
- user group assignments dependent on different criteria,
- watching of various actions like attachments, dis-/likes, comments, post etc. to automatically sent notifications for, e.g., top poster, 1.000th post of a user, or the 250th attachment, the 50.000th thread, the 5.000th user and * so on,
- bulk processing of threads to include closing, deactivation, moving into another forum,
- monitoring of moderations of threads and posts (closing, moving, deletion, merging...),
- statistics functions for WCF, WBB and News,
- reading of Atom and RSS feeds,
- log functions for recording of all bot actions.
Notification types
Presently, the following notification types are available:
- email,
- comment (wall),
- conversation,
- conversation (individual),
- post (WBB),
- thread (WBB),
- news (voolia),
- blog entry.