nickdecker yes that's probably still relevant.
If you don't force completion of the Masquerade profile the two extensions will work fine.
If you never change your terms of use (never use the update feature of this extension) and all your existing users have already accepted, this should also not be an issue since there will never be a time when a user will both need to complete their profile and accept new terms of use. If you have existing users who have never accepted the terms since Terms was enabled and also have uncompleted profiles you could manually mark the terms as accepted for those users in the database so they don't end up deadlocked on the next login.
I'm really not sure how we would fix the conflict. Maybe we can find a way for Terms to show its modal on top of the Masquerade profile page so you can still accept the terms even after being redirected. I don't remember if there was also an issue at the gate level since you are suspended until you accept the terms, so this might have conflicted with the ability to have a profile in Masquerade.