Hi, If anyone wants the steps to get flarum beta3 installed on their Cpanel you can do as follows:

Login to your account via ssh then run the following commands

cd ~
mkdir bin
mkdir bin/composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar bin/composer

Determine the location of your php-cli (needed later on) by typing:

which php-cli

If the above fails, use

 which php 

It should return the path, such as /usr/bin/php-cli, /usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli , etc.

You should now browse to your cpanel home directory and edit ~/.bashrc and make sure this line is at the top:

[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

Adding it if it is not

Then add this alias to the bottom (using the php-cli path that you determined earlier):

alias composer="/usr/bin/php-cli ~/bin/composer/composer.phar"

Finish with these commands:

source ~/.bashrc
composer --version

Then navigate to public_html and make a directory for the forum e.g

cd public_html
mkdir forum
cd forum

Then run the flarum beta3 installer commands in the directory forum or whatever directory you created

composer create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta

Then load your browser and navigate to the installer www.tld.com/forum and enter your database and forum details.

Note the s9e-mediaembed-0.2.1 is not working with the beta3 as I've noticed, will have to wait till it is marked compatible with beta3.

@Toby Can you move this post to faqs, I posted it the wrong place sorry.

6 months later

? bumping this cause it works for me..

just had some slight problems with "file extension" yet I solved it via cpanel also.

ps: i think title should be modified to "Cpanel Flarum SSH Install Steps" cause i've install beta5

luceos changed the title to Cpanel Flarum SSH Install Steps .
5 days later

Can confirm this works with beta 5.0, awesome thanks Witech, made the installation so easy ?.

insha can you explain what have you done so far?
whats the error?

first things first:
-check if you have an ssh icon in your cpanel
-check php & mysql version
-check flarum requirements eg; file info extendion,gd etc..

9 months later

Worked like a charm for me ! Thanks !

8 months later