4lan4raujo zarpelon Count me in this work, from what I saw the French translation translate this in github maelsoucaze, this well-architect for flarum we can make a fork and make the French translation for the Portuguese BR.
4lan4raujo Portuguese language pack Finished Github pt_BR zarpelon Translation from Portuguese of Brazil held, have not had time to test the newly released version of flarum Qiaeru Performed all changes, thanks for the feedback
Qiaeru Good work! Some basic tips: On this line, you should have a vendor/package structure, like 4lan4raujo/brazilian-portuguese. For information, the name of the directory containing all the files of your language pack have to be named with a vendor-package structure. For example, 4lan4raujo-brazilian-portuguese/ will be the directory containing all the files of your language pack. On this line, you should have the English name of your language ("Brazilian Portuguese"), because it's used to name your extension as seen for administrators. They can be interested to install your language pack for their users without knowing a word of it. However, on this line, you should have the local name of your language ("Português brasileiro"), because it's used on the language selector available for users, so they will select it only if they speak it. On this line, you should change the en code to the pt-br code. You must change the name on the license file! You should add a config.js file in the locale/ directory with the Moment.js locale of your language (already available here). Take a look at my repository that you linked above to see how you can implement it. I saw you already localized the validation.yml file, but if you're interested, a localization is available here (it can help you to improve your custom localization).