luceos Berlyn I'm not completely sure, but you might attempt to disable the functionality from an extension.. Additionally it might be true to have more say about what is enabled in terms of signup and login measures as a forum administrator.
BlackSheep It can also be a good idea to disable the mail part of the signup where you check on your inbox for the confirmation e-mail. This "verification" method and anti-spam method can easily be by-passed with something like a captcha at the signup and a way to modify the requested number of letter and other char. (for the password that you choose when you're doing the signup thing) by the administrator.
jordanjay29 BlackSheep I could see this for Google's new rerecaptcha (the Are You Human? button with cognitive reasoning present behind it that detects behavior). The email could be a courtesy merely for notifications at that point.
BlackSheep jordanjay29 Exactly what i was thinking. This e-mail verification thingy is a thing of the past - it is not a sign of a non-bot account.
luceos BlackSheep Berlyn jordanjay29 maybe one of you should state a feature request that includes what's been said in this thread. So we can move it to github and add it as todo for the 1.0.0 release. Because what you say makes sense and would certainly match the "state-of-the-art" mission of Flarum.
jordanjay29 BlackSheep Sorry to jump you, I was just in the reporting mood.
Berlyn @BlackSheep @jordanjay29 @luceos Thanks for your combined efforts guys, and thanks for all the positive feedback.