How to install Flarum on Windows
Setup of the environment
For starters we will need to install the right tools to use composer and what needs flarum to be installed.
Go to and download this :, extract the .zip file and put it into your Windows folder under the name of "php".
You should have that :

II. Composer
Download composer here : (direct link :
Launch it :

You might run into a :
Download this :

Select your php.exe :

And also into an :
Do this :
- Rename
(located in your C:\php) into php.ini
- On the line 881, remove the ";"
- Copy
to C:\windows\php\
Download cURL by going there :
And doing that :

Install it and then, do this :
- (If it's not already done) Rename your
to php.ini
- In line 868, remove the ";".
- Copy
to C:\windows\php\
IV. mbstring & exif & fileinfo
- In
line 869, 877 & 878, remove the ";".
- Copy ext\php_mbstring.dll to C:\windows\php\
- Copy ext\php_exif.dll to C:\windows\php\
- Copy ext\php_fileinfo.dll to C:\windows\php\
Installing Flarum
Let's dive in.
I. Console
As the default Windows console (the CMD) lacks a lot of thing, i personally use "ConEmu" and i advise you to do the same.
Launch it :

Go to the folder where you want to install flarum with your console using :
cd /place/where/i/want/to/be

Type in
composer create-project flarum/flarum --stability=beta
Your console will start to act funny :

You will probably reach this phase of the installation :
To do so, follow this link to the Github token creation page :, type in your password or log in and uncheck all of the scopes as on the image above :

Click on "Generate Token", you should have something like that :

Make sur to copy it as it is said and paste it back on your console after the
That done, it will resume the flarum installation :

Aaaaand, it is done ! The installation is complete. In the location where you choose to install flarum, you'd normally have something like that :

Have fun with flarum !