This is the first real-world, non-demo forum to be running on Flarum (finally!) ????
You'll need to go through the "forgot your password" process in order to log in. Come talk to us if you're having trouble.
It's only been 42 days since the Mithril unveiling, but we've somehow managed to accomplish a hell of a lot in that time. Here is what's new since the old demo:
Major backend architecture improvements
@Franz has done an amazing job building a PSR-7 compatible architecture for us on the road to decouple from Laravel. Let's give him a big round of applause! ????
The new tags plugin works just like categories except you can have multiple of them. This is really bleeding edge, so don't be surprised if it breaks! I am aware that the tag select dialog is currently a bit dysfunctional on mobile.
As described in this screencast βΒ it's live! Let's see how it works. Keen to hear any ideas for improvement.
Notifications have a new look, grouped by discussion. You should be notified for any replies to your posts, or posts that mention your name. You can also turn on email notifications in Settings (click your username in the top-right).
Still pretty basic, but it's a start. You get as-you-type suggestions in the search box, and then you can view discussion + post hybrid results. Lots of improvement to be done here, we would love to hear your thoughts.
Better infinite scrolling
As shown off in this screencast. Unfortunately the longest thread we have on this forum is only 29 posts... I've started a new one to try out a discussion while also having a bit of fun!
Works as you would expect (hopefully). A nicer editing experience (formatting buttons, preview, syntax highlighting?) will come later.
Data preloading
The # is gone from the URL, and data is preloaded when you hit a route so you don't have to wait for an API request after the page loads.
Improved user utilities (usertilities?)
Log in, sign up, forgot password, change email, delete account.
As always, please let us know what you think and report any bugs you find.
Check out the Roadmap for an overview of what's left to do before beta. (In brief: Likes, Subscriptions, Lock, Pusher, some foundational stuff, admin CP, installation.)