Hari discussions marked as FrontPage will set a column added to the discussions table by this extension called frontpage
to true or 1 in this case for that specific discussion. This extension also adds a new filter to the discussion list filter drop-down in which if you select "FrontPage" from the Discussions filter, it'll display all discussions that you "pushed" to the "frontpage". You also get a nifty badge like Sticky gives discussions when you mark them as stickied 🙂
Hari for example, i can add pinned posts as (front page) and mark sticked discussions in it. so the user can view all sticked discussions by selecting pinned from the latest selection area?
It will only show discussions "Marked as FrontPage" and sort them by descending order based on the timestamp of when they were pushed to the FrontPage.
Edit: Also, see Ralkage