I install flarum using composer method installed into /var/www/flarum
folder, Flarum is up and running on my server
The question is where is the flarum.log placed? or is a log file feature even implemented?
There is no such a flarum.log file in the folder /var/www/flarum/storage/logs
I tried touch and chown a flarum.log
file and it doesn't work, not log out put in this file
I only find one post to discuss this and the codes it point to seens to have log register implemented
Here is my flarum info:
php flarum info
Flarum core 0.1.0-beta.8.1
PHP version: 7.2.15-0ubuntu0.18.04.2
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, pcntl, Reflection, SPL, sodium, session, standard, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, apcu, apc, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, igbinary, imagick, intl, json, ldap, exif, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pgsql, Phar, posix, readline, redis, shmop, SimpleXML, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, yaml, zip, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions | | |
| ID | Version | Commit |
| flarum-approval | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-bbcode | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-emoji | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-lang-english | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-flags | v0.1.0-beta.8.1 | |
| flarum-likes | v0.1.0-beta.8.1 | |
| flarum-lock | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-markdown | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-mentions | v0.1.0-beta.8.1 | |
| flarum-statistics | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-sticky | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-subscriptions | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-suspend | v0.1.0-beta.8 | |
| flarum-tags | v0.1.0-beta.8.2 | |
| csineneo-lang-simplified-chinese | v0.1.0-beta.8.25 | |
Base URL: https://myflarum
Installation path: /var/www/flarum
Debug mode: off
needs help, thanks in advance