You may have noticed some drastic changes in the tag structure. Since early this year we've been working on revising and reorganizing the tags for this forum, as we felt that both the community and the staff could benefit from an improved structure. We've ended up doing a pretty thorough overhaul of the system.
Some of the biggest changes:
The primary tag Feedback has been created to host the following content:
- Features (previously a primary tag)
- Extensions (previously a subtag of Features), and
- Design (formerly known as UX)
The Blog tag has been moved under Meta.
We've added some utility/helper secondary tags to support staff activities:
- Document indicates that the thread holds information we need to document.
- Duplicate denotes a subject that has been discussed before
- Reported indicates that the subject has been reported as an issue in Github.
In the coming days we may fine-tune the current structure and add better descriptions. If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding the tags, please feel free to post them below.