Hello, I have a problem logging into my webpage. When I try to access foro/api/token, I receive a 404 Not Found response. If I try to access it via the URL, I get the following error:
status "405"
code "method_not_allowed" I am creating the Flarum object using the following configuration: `<?php
use Maicol07\SSO\Flarum;
require_once DIR . '/../foro/vendor/autoload.php';
/** @noinspection DevelopmentDependenciesUsageInspection */
$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(DIR);
/** @noinspection LaravelFunctionsInspection */
$flarum = new Flarum([
'url' => env('FLARUM_HOST', 'localhost/KBSOC-base-de-conocimientos/html/foro'),
'root_domain' => env('ROOT_DOMAIN', 'localhost/KBSOC-base-de-conocimientos'),
'api_key' => env('API_KEY', 'my api'),
'password_token' => env('PASSWORD_TOKEN', 'NotSecureToken'),
'remember' => $_POST['remember'] ?? false,
'verify_ssl' => env('VERIFY_SSL', false),
'set_groups_admins' => env('SET_GROUPS_ADMINS', true)
]); I've been trying for several days, and I don't know how to implement this SSO. Can you help me with that?
UPDATE: now i dont receive any error but it doestn´t log me in flarum, if i use a user that doesn´t exist on flarum i received: resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error response: {"errors":[{"status":"500","code":"unknown"}]} in Foro\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php on line 111