mistle Is there a documentation of the search functionality? Haven't found such in the official documentation. I ask because by coincidence I have seen, that I can search for tags with "tag:TAG-NAME". So there are probably more features which I don't know.
clarkwinkelmann mistle there is no documentation at this time but you can find the available "gambits" in the source code. Here are the Discussion gambits: https://github.com/flarum/core/tree/master/src/Discussion/Search/Gambit (author:, created:, is:hidden, is:unread) and User gambits: https://github.com/flarum/core/tree/master/src/User/Search/Gambit (email:, group:) In the source code of each "FulltextGambit" you can see what fields are being searched in when you type just text. Other extensions might add their own gambits. For example Tags adds tag: https://github.com/flarum/tags/tree/master/src/Gambit . Byobu adds new ones to Discussion and User as well https://github.com/FriendsOfFlarum/byobu/tree/master/src/Gambits