Qantas094 G’day all, so I have a question for you all, is there a plugin or extension for blogs? I made a forum today for blogs and was just wondering if there is anything. Best Regards, -Qantas
[deleted] @Qantas094 there isn't an extension (plugin) for blogging as it stands now, but Flarum can be used as a blogging platform - it's something I do actively on my own forum - see To get the most out of the capability, you should also install and configure the SEO extension from @JasperVriends
jordanjay29 [deleted] @Qantas094 there isn't an extension (plugin) for blogging as it stands now Qantas094 mcutting answered you, his answer is correct as far as I'm aware.
nitaaikumar Maybe he is asking for an extension which shows a blog type grid or masonary layout of a tag page with bigger images? It would be really cool to have such an extension.