Flarum core: 1.8.5
PHP version: 8.1.10
MySQL version: 8.0.30-cll-lve
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, json, iconv, SPL, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, mbstring, shmop, SimpleXML, tokenizer, xml, i360, bcmath, dom, fileinfo, gd, imap,intl, exif, mysqli, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, soap, sockets, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions | | |
| ID | Version | Commit |
| flarum-suspend | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-flags | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-tags | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-sticky | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-likes | v1.8.0 | |
| afrux-forum-widgets-core | v0.1.7 | |
| fof-oauth | 1.6.11 | |
| fof-user-directory | 1.3.3 | |
| flarum-approval | v1.8.1 | |
| v17development-seo | v1.8.1 | |
| the-turk-stickiest | 3.0.1 | |
| the-turk-mathren | 1.0.7 | |
| nearata-copy-code-to-clipboard | v2.2.0 | |
| miniflar-top-like-givers-widget | 0.1.0 | |
| justoverclock-custom-html-widget | 0.1.4 | |
| justoverclock-be-active-user-indicator | 0.1.0 | |
| ianm-syndication | 1.3.4 | |
| ianm-oauth-twitch | 0.1.1 | |
| ianm-oauth-reddit | 0.1.0 | |
| glowingblue-password-strength | 4.0.0 | |
| fof-user-bio | 1.4.0 | |
| fof-upload | 1.5.5 | |
| fof-terms | 1.3.1 | |
| fof-split | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-sitemap | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-share-social | 1.2.0 | |
| fof-reactions | 1.4.1 | |
| fof-pages | 1.0.8 | |
| fof-nightmode | 1.5.3 | |
| fof-merge-discussions | 1.4.1 | |
| fof-links | 1.2.3 | |
| fof-linguist | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-formatting | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-drafts | 1.2.11 | |
| fof-discussion-thumbnail | 1.1.3 | |
| fof-best-answer | 1.4.5 | |
| fof-bbcode-details | 1.1.2 | |
| flarum-subscriptions | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-statistics | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-pusher | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-nicknames | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-mentions | v1.8.3 | |
| flarum-markdown | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lock | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lang-turkish | 1.28.0 | |
| flarum-lang-english | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-emoji | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-bbcode | v1.8.0 | |
| davwheat-custom-sidenav-links | 1.0.1 | |
| datlechin-link-preview | v1.5.0 | |
| datlechin-copy-links | v1.0.1 | |
| darkle-fancybox | 1.1.4 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-group-list | 1.0.0 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-circle-groups | 1.0.1 | |
| blomstra-usercard-stats | 0.1.2 | |
| blomstra-turnstile | 0.1.4 | |
| blomstra-sort-order-toggle | 0.2.0 | |
| blomstra-fontawesome | 0.1.5 | |
| askvortsov-markdown-tables | v1.2.1 | |
| afrux-top-posters-widget | v0.1.4 | |
| afrux-online-users-widget | v0.1.6 | |
| afrux-news-widget | v0.1.1 | |
| afrux-forum-stats-widget | v0.1.1 | |
| acpl-mobile-tab | 1.4.4 | |
Base URL: https://
Installation path: /home/httpdneh1/
Queue driver: sync
Session driver: file
Scheduler status: Asla gitme
Mail driver: smtp
I am using these plugins, but users cannot choose the best answer in their own discussion even if the choose the best answer in their own discussion setting is enabled in the permissions area.
I turned off all extensions one by one and tested them to see which extension I was having the problem with, but there was no solution. Below is a screenshot of my plugin settings: