peterlingoal Our forum has been flooded with spam ever since our technical person left the company. Now I am looking for a freelancer to help: get rid of spam implement mechanism to prevent spam (add a captcha maybe?) add support to login with other social acct (including Google if possible) update version this is forum address: Anyone interested could you please email me: ? thank you very much!
tolgaaaltas peterlingoal Check out these extensions; StopForumSpam by FriendsOfFlarum and SpamBlock by FriendsOfFlarum Disposable Emails by FriendsOfFlarum and reCAPTCHA by FriendsOfFlarum Google Login by saleksin
KimYunz peterlingoal I can help you.... I have mailed you reply me.. if you are free... So much spam on your site
Luisvane Hello peter, I would love to assist you with your requirements. A five-minute chat would be helpful. looking for your reply, thank you. Regards, Luis vane
danielunited KimYunz Luisvane I'm looking for a similar service. Can you shoot me an email at