It should not be that problem I guess.
For example, the English keywords are at least two characters, like "go" (good), we search "go" , "good" can be searched out on the results page.
The same keywords in Chinese are at least two characters too, like this sentence (six chinese characters + one chinese comma + one chinese period ) : "你好,我喜欢你。" (means "Hello,I like you."), You can search for "你好", then this sentence can be searched out.
In the picture I posted last post, I searched for a word composed of two chinese characters:"诱人"(means "seductive"), and the result was not found in flarum. Other words in the same title, such as "如何" (How) and "帖子"(Post), they can be searched out successfully.
I just read this Chinese article, is that a possibility that this problem is caused by the difference between Chinese word segmentation mechanisms and English word segmentation mechanisms?
Maybe I should try to change the minimum word length limit of search keywords to 1?