rexenrod When will the full version of Flarum be released?
Your question is answered in my Year in Review:
We target our first stable release 0.1 this year (2020).
I must be clear about the fact that Flarum in itself is already stable, stable to us relates to whether extensions will no longer be compatible with succeeding minor releases. Once we release 0.1 we hope that extensions made compatible with it, will remain so at least until we release 0.2 and perhaps even beyond.
rexenrod Are there any problems with the backup when switching from the beta to the full version?
Upgrading from the latest beta to the stable version should be as easy as upgrading from one beta to the next. However all these upgrade instructions mention:
a) make a backup before upgrading
b) disabling all extensions, so they don't interfere
c) extensions might no longer be compatible
d) if you encounter any issues, make sure to create a decent report so we can help you alleviate it. This might require you to get your hands dirty changing files or database tables.