tankerkiller125 luceos Geraldlzc Depending on exactly what you need Masquerade could be what your looking for? If your looking to collect private information though then that would be something else.
luceos There's currently no way to ask users for their information while having that information linked to that user. You could embed a google form though.
luceos tankerkiller125 was about to mention Masquerade, but finished the post in a hurry. Thanks for adding this 👍️
[deleted] tankerkiller125 If you are looking to collect private information concerning citizens from the EU, or California, then this is in scope for either GDPR, or CCPA.
Geraldlzc tankerkiller125 I used this plug-in, but still can't meet my requirements. Where is the plug-in development tutorial? I need to modify it. Thank you for your guidance 😁