Dem13n A Flarum extension. Quad theme Compatible with default dark mode and Night Mode by FriendsOfFlarum Fixed width in two-panel mode UPD 26/01/2020 - Fixed font size in mobile version + Added an indicator of the freshness of the discussion Installation composer require dem13n/quad-theme Updating composer update dem13n/quad-theme php flarum cache:clear Screenshots Links Github Packagist
Dem13n ink The problem is not the extension, error in the string
ink Dem13n well,when I use FoF Linguist0.4.1 ,I could not turn English into Chinese.It says that there is no translation in this extension !
SilverPoplar There are some issue with byobu extension compatibility - usernames overlay each other in discussion item list.
SilverPoplar Dem13n Nice! Thanks. I have another issue with font sharpness in firefox browser (Chrome - no problem). By the way I really like the idea of reconfiguring icons in the list of posts. But it would be cool if only this feature were enabled. And there was an opportunity not to touch fonts and other styles.
Sebastian94 I made a really nice discovery if you use the Stargazing Theme along side of this Theme it looks really nice. The end product of using both Quad and Stargazing Theme at the same time
DursunCan mekici the version has not been released. It is also not downloaded with the dev-master tag. @Dem13n
User24 i just want the tags to appear below the title like this in both phone and desktop view... is there any css tweak for it? and also author thumbnails in square
Anonymous43 Here ya go! /*Квадратная ава*/ .UserCard-avatar .Avatar, .PostUser-avatar, .DiscussionListItem-author .Avatar, .UserCard-avatar .Avatar, .Avatar, .UserCard-avatar .Dropdown-toggle { border-radius: 10px; } /*Теги под названием дискуссии*/ .IndexPage .DiscussionListItem-info>.item-tags, .UserPage .DiscussionListItem-info>.item-tags { position: initial !important; margin-bottom: 5px !important; display: block; -webkit-mask-image: initial !important; white-space: nowrap !important; max-width: 500px !important; }
User24 Anonymous43 is there any list of variables like this? used by the flarum... so that users like myself can tweak the simple stuffs like color or font or something 🙂
Anonymous43 I don't believe there is documentation explaining where things are and what they are for, honestly I didn't look. I just stumbled upon this topic , and a guy had explanation in Russian what they are for, Since I speak Russian, that's how I got it.
luceos Anonymous43 a pr to our docs or a new discussion under resources with a translated version would be helpful 🤞
Anonymous43 If I had an existing layout of explanation, I would gladly translate them back and forth.