no,i'm not.
root@IwoowLosAngeles:/www/wwwroot/ composer update --prefer-dist --no-dev -a --with-all-dependencies
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Nothing to install or update
Package mtdowling/cron-expression is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use dragonmantank/cron-expression instead.
Package oyejorge/less.php is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package zendframework/zend-diactoros is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use laminas/laminas-diactoros instead.
Generating optimized autoload files
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\CronExpression" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\DayOfWeekField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\AbstractField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\MonthField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\FieldInterface" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\FieldFactory" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\MinutesField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\HoursField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Cron\DayOfMonthField" was found in both "/www/wwwroot/" and "/www/wwwroot/", the first will be used.
Carbon 1 is deprecated, see how to migrate to Carbon 2.
You can run './vendor/bin/upgrade-carbon' to get help in updating carbon and other frameworks and libraries that depend on it.