luceos Foxxy that's the access log, showing you are hitting the api endpoint on flarum, which returns a 500. So no.. Not sure how to solve your issue, switch hosting provider? ?
Foxxy luceos I'm just going to use the internal mailer. Seems to work fine with that. Now struggling to set up Google / Facebook auth. Uh.
radixio Foxxy After losing a whole day setting up my server, I finally got it. My settings are exactly the same as yours, and the error also. What I did was open door 2525 in my firewall and use it in place of port 465/587. Everything's working fine now.
clarkwinkelmann nimitbhargava Mailgun is now also supported via API instead of SMTP right out of the box, starting with beta 9. This can be even more reliable 😉 SMTP still required for the EU Mailgun region for now until we fix flarum/core1834