UaMV new discussions (not unread discussions) w/in in a tag?
New discussions relative to when? The benefit of using lastPostedDiscussion is that you can check whether 1 discussion has unread posts very trivially. We could check if new discussions have been added since the user marked all posts as read (as that's stored directly in the database), but i'm not sure if that would fulfill your goal.
nexromant Is it possible to change the size of the icon blocks and font for the mobile version?
I'm always open to style change ideas! Do you have any particular thoughts on how to improve the look on mobile? I agree that it looks a bit large, but I fear that reducing the font too much would just end up illegible.
One thing I've been considering is an option for "compact mobile", which would hide the description, and display everything a lot more compactly. Is that something you'd like to see?