Staszek I investigated a little, and have some conclusions.
It seems, that notification works only, when forum is visible to public view.
Pusher plugin listens for two events: PostWasPosted, and NotificationWillBeSent. First one is raised when there is new post, and notification is sent, if Guest user can see it:
public function pushNewPost(PostWasPosted $event)
if ($event->post->isVisibleTo(new Guest)) {
$pusher = $this->getPusher();
$pusher->trigger('public', 'newPost', [
'postId' => $event->post->id,
'discussionId' => $event->post->discussion->id,
'tagIds' => $event->post->discussion->tags()->lists('id')
second type of notification, NotificationWillBeSent, should send notification, if user can see a post:
public function pushNotification(NotificationWillBeSent $event)
$pusher = $this->getPusher();
$blueprint = $event->blueprint;
foreach ($event->users as $user) {
if ($user->shouldAlert($blueprint::getType())) {
$pusher->trigger('private-user'.$user->id, 'notification', null);
But after search in my whole Flarum instance, I haven't found a single line of code, that rises it. So no chances for push notification...
Am I missing something? Maybe there is some extension, that rises this event? Or is it a bug, and I should write about it on Github?