Nice! One question/suggestion: seems like private messages are loading in a modal, wouldn't it be better (in terms of UX) to have them all in a dedicated page?

    iPurpl3x should probably have a check for that extension 🙈 maybe a nice little warning 😉

    Does the extension work with social logins in Flarum? Wordpress integration works as a social login.

    There are no plans to sync the passwords in the Wordpress integration at the moment. How would you check the password anyway given no password is ever entered on Flarum when using social login? (EDIT: ok seeing the screenshot above, you re-ask for the password manually?)


      regarding this: nexromant I've had this issue on Firefox, but what I'd noticed is that when sending the message it didn't ask me to set it up (with the password). Also, I've got this:

      I switched to Chrome in order to give you a better log (as you've already taught me to do), but when I logged in chrome and went into messages, it asked me to set it up, with a password, and then it worked!

      Hope this helps.

      EDIT: More info on this, seems to happen in incognito mode. When I use Firefox normally, it asks me to set up private messaging normally and I can access messages. In incognito mode it doesn't ask me to set it up, I can't send messages and I can't see the messages I received.

      The really WEIRD thing is that despite it not being set up in incognito, when I initially sent my messages I got a message indicator. But when I opened it there were no messages to see.

        You guys are crazy! Let me go through each question.

        [deleted] so you got it fixed? If not I'll proceed with the change.

        iPurpl3x No, the admins would have to know their password, that's why they are asked a second time after logging in. It also has a detection that sends the other user (not being impersonated) if you even attempt to view their messages (it will fail anyways).

        danielunited on desktop I assume? This is totally doable and is like halfway done already just because of mobile support. Maybe I'll add this as an option in the future.

        clarkwinkelmann I'm going to fix that up.

        Yalfoosh you will only be asked for the password 1 time per device (until cache is cleared). I'll look into the Firefox issue.

        Edit: looks like my hands are tied:
        I could use local storage as a fallback.

          • [deleted]

          Kyrne so you got it fixed? If not I'll proceed with the change.

          No. That was just a test. As I'm using WordPress to handle authentication, I need a way to set a password if there isn't one.



            • Add option to let users make their own password - setting in admin.
              • If you already have at least 1 encryption key set up and decide to switch to this option you will need to truncate user_encryption_keys and set PMSetup to 0 for those users in the users table. To clarify, if you don't use anything like Github login, Wordpress integration, etc. This is not necessary.
              • If you use these services at all I would encourage you to enable this as those users won't be able to use the ex
            • Markdown support
              • Plaintext links will be automatically turned into actual links
              • Markdown image embed works but you can't click the image to open it up bigger. I recommend the FancyBox Extension.
              • Emoji's are supported too now. On desktop you can type them using : just like discord. There is no helper however to help users get the emoji names correct.
              • The markdown is sanitized so don't try any XSS ya freaking script kiddies
            • Message previews before sending (like when editing a post) to help with markdown formatting
            • Negative unread messages fix
              • It will not be fixed right away but will slowly resolve itself as messages are sent.


            composer update kyrne/shout
            php flarum migrate
            php flarum cache:clear

            Yalfoosh The fix for this is not included in this update, I'm still trying to work on a solution (why can't Firefox just be normal?)

              Kyrne Typo error in "Enter a paassword to setup private messages."

              Also, it is really confusing for users to use password option, can't we have an option in admin panel if we want our users to set up password or not?

                HD3D whoops, fixed.

                The password is required for the extension to work securely. What part of it is confusing?

                  Kyrne The confusing part is that what if they choose a new password other than their account's password and later on the forget the password, are they gonna be able to recover it?

                    HD3D if you forget you password you lost access to all your old messages. This is true of every encrypted messaging service.

                      Kyrne I'm 100% against admins accessing users private messages. But losing access to all old messages because you forgot the PMs password? Well that's a negative point...

                        Mark73 the only other secure way around this is to have users download a copy of their keys (which is totally doable) to import later if they forget the password.

                          Kyrne Not the best way as we all know how people want everything to be as simple as possible. Yet, I'm glad there is a way to recover old messages, definitely considering this

                            Kyrne You're insanely fast! However, I don't think emojis work (2 different messages):