I have a forum with 1.4 million users and tags always gives me a huge headache.
People just don't know how to use it, so I had to simplify them at maximum extend.
But one problem remains:
I have a tag about recipes. Those recipes MUST have at least one subtype (H, N ou R) and at most 3.
The only way Flarum can handle this is to make H, N and R as subtags of Recipes (and configure tags to accept 0 to 3 sub-tags (0 because all other tags are single, no subtag)).
Now my problem is that people keep posting on "Recipes" (without providing at least 1 subtag).
So, is there any way to do one of those options?
1) Block users from posting in certain tags, but allowing when the subtags are allowed (current behavior: if the root tag is "only moderator and admin can initiate posts without approval", then the root tag doesn't appear and subtags are hidden from the common users. (i.e.: subtags are inheriting root tag permissions, ignoring their own)
2) When a post is blocked because it requires manual approving, it would be nice to allow showing a message to the user (this message should be tag relative. In my case, whenever the user posted on Recipes alone, I would send an e-mail/notification/alert saying: you NEED to post using one to three subtags). This would help to moderate manual approving: explaining the user why his/her post was marked for approval (in my case, I have a post estabilishing the rules, but the users just don't read it).
Flarum is quite weak in self moderation tools. Having a +1 million users forum to require a LOT of manual work =(