jslirola Thanks.
I modified it according to your method.But it doesn't seem to work with the current version 16.I modified it, tested it, and now it's ready.
Here's what I modified HideContentInPosts.php
After testing, there seems to be no problem with the file. In addition, if there are errors, please optimize and repair again, thank you
* This file is part of jslirola/flarum-ext-login2seeplus.
* Copyright (c) 2020
* Original Extension by WiseClock
* Updated by jslirola
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace JSLirola\Login2SeePlus;
class HideContentInPosts extends FormatContent
public function __invoke($serializer, $model, $attributes)
if (isset($attributes["contentHtml"])) {
$newHTML = $attributes["contentHtml"];
$s_php = $this->settings->get('jslirola.login2seeplus.php', false);
$s_post = (int)$this->settings->get('jslirola.login2seeplus.post', 100);
if (!$serializer->getActor()->isGuest())
return $attributes;
$s_code = $this->settings->get('jslirola.login2seeplus.code', false);
$s_summary_links = $this->settings->get('jslirola.login2seeplus.link', false);
// truncate
if ($s_post != -1 && function_exists('mb_substr') && function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
$newHTML = $this->truncate_html($newHTML, $s_post);
$newHTML = preg_replace('/(<p>)([^<]*)<\/p>$/is', '$1$2...$3', $newHTML);
// code
if ($s_code) {
$newHTML = preg_replace('/<pre><code(.*?)>[^>]*<\/pre>/is', $this->get_link('jslirola-login2seeplus.forum.code'), $newHTML);
$newHTML = preg_replace('/<code(.*?)>[^>]*<\/code>/is', $this->get_link('jslirola-login2seeplus.forum.code'), $newHTML);
// show alert
if ($s_post != -1)
$newHTML .= '<div class="jslirolaLogin2seeplusAlert">' . $this->translator->trans('jslirola-login2seeplus.forum.post', array(
'{login}' => '<a class="jslirolaLogin2seeplusLogin">' . $this->translator->trans('core.forum.header.log_in_link') . '</a>',
'{register}' => '<a class="jslirolaLogin2seeplusRegister">' . $this->translator->trans('core.forum.header.sign_up_link') . '</a>'
)) . '</div>';
if (!is_null($newHTML) && $s_summary_links == 1)
$newHTML = preg_replace('/(<a((?!PostMention).)*?>)[^<]*<\/a>/is',
'[' . $this->get_link('jslirola-login2seeplus.forum.link') . ']', $newHTML);
$attributes['contentHtml'] = $newHTML;
return $attributes;