Why is this still not a feature after 3 years, heck if administrators don't want logs then let them disable it but frankly if you allow community members to join, you're bound to have one rouge actor eventually delete everything by everyone and while you can restore it assuming you didn't give them permission for it to be deleted forever.
Right now there's no evidence saying "Oh it was BigMoney221 who deleted every post", guess I'll ban him. Instead you'd do something like "Oh everything is gone, guess no one but admins and owners of the post can delete their post now"
There's no action log to show who flagged historically, who dismissed the flag, so if a moderator dismisses the flag incorrectly before anyone else sees it it's gone for good, maybe they misunderstood the reason / topic for the flag.
Overall I'd expect it to be further along in after 3 years and I feel like this shows no one uses this in mass for important uses where you'd want the trackability of malicious actors without having to vet everyone for 3 years or paying cash for some addon.