💮 Neon Chat

Requires Pusher or kyrne/websocket by @Kyrne
Adds native realtime chat application to your Flarum. Neon Chat tried to inherit a lot of features from different messengers to combine them into one extension that will help give you the experience of using popular messengers directly on your forum page.

💬 Group, private conversations, and channels
You can create and setup your own channel or group chat setting its appearance, users to communicate with, and appearance

📱Media content preview
Neon chat creates a preview for links that can contain media-embedded content, making communication brighter and more enjoyable. Markdown also works just like on the forum.

💺 Moveable, minimizing and silent
You can move the chat frame by placing it in a convenient place, minimize and maximize it, and enable or disable sound and image notifications.

And much more
It is very difficult to embrace all the subtleties that are in this messenger in one post, so here are some more points:
- The ability to edit, softly and completely remove or restore messages;
- Expandable text input with live preview of entered message;
- Full customization of the chat: changing the color, icon, chat title, inviting and removing users from the chat, assigning users as chat moderators;
- An adaptive interface with a collapsible panel with the list of chats
➕ Installation
Install extension via composer:
composer require xelson/flarum-ext-chat
For development builds:
composer require xelson/flarum-ext-chat:dev-master
Make sure that any socket extension is enabled
⬆ Updating
Via composer:
composer update xelson/flarum-ext-chat
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear
For development builds:
composer require xelson/flarum-ext-chat:dev-master
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear
♥ Acknowledgements
The app wasn't even released, but I already had the support of people who gave me enough motivation to bring the app to release.
The heroes of this extenstion are @Wadera, @NorioDS who creating my patreon and motivation;
Neon Translators on different languages are @Littlegolden, @tolgaaaltas;
Debug Warriors are @Wadera♥, @tolgaaaltas, @datlechin, @AnonAlpha;
Conceptualists are @Wadera, @portals2, @NorioDS.
A new and first maintainer @askvortsov!
Thank you to everyone who takes part in the development of the chat. I am sure that this list will only grow, and the expansion will get better.