JAC Hello, Is there a way to ask a new member a sign up question in order for them to be accepted as a member, so something relevant to the forum that they'll know Thank you.
clarkwinkelmann JAC if you want to prevent unwanted people from registering there's Doorman https://discuss.flarum.org/d/17845-friendsofflarum-doorman and reCAPTCHA https://discuss.flarum.org/d/18399-friendsofflarum-recaptcha If you want the user to enter some arbitrary text and later have moderators do something based on the response, like attribute a different group, Formulaire can add registration text fields https://discuss.flarum.org/d/23063-formulaire-the-premium-form-builder (it's not compatible with the latest Flarum just yet) Masquerade allows doing something similar but only after registration https://discuss.flarum.org/d/5791-masquerade-by-friendsofflarum-the-user-profile-builder
JAC Hi Clark, Thanks for getting back and giving some suggestions, in the end I went with your 'First Post Approval' extension, that should do the job fine, in terms of seeing if unwanted people have registered or not. 🙂