Hari hrvoje_hr Article schema markup https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/article
Justoverclock hrvoje_hr thank you for mentioning my extension, in my todolist theres also image thumbnail for related discussion 😉
hrvoje_hr With 0.5.0 we are few steps closer to 1.0. The biggest issue is that original authors are generally busy, so if there is someone interested to join this project (it's open source), let me know. There are few of us interested to fund the development on our Discord. You can join us and suggest new features: https://discord.gg/nGeWpvtn8k You can follow the development here https://trello.com/b/zr2xtYKZ/flarum-blog-road-to-10
hrvoje_hr Moved some things to 2.0, and simplified the roadmap to 1.0 as an attempt to put thing up to speed. Focused on @SychO Widget Core extension compatibility as a way to extend the Blog. You can find more simplified road map here: https://trello.com/b/q2WNCUIn/flarum-blog-10-simplified-revision Main goals for 1.0 Rewrite composer page Afrux Widget Core compatibility
bryx Awesome!!! I just discovered this topic on the development of the extension. This is just huge, just having an alternative to WordPress. I can't wait to test these new versions whether it's V1.0 or V2.0 to give my feedback. The models are beautiful by the way!