lorem Is there a workaround to change view count format from 1000s to Ks to match reply count? I really love this extension but the view count format is triggering my OCD. ?
MikeJones lorem Awesome idea! Also, you must have a huge forum to have that many discussion in a post!
MichaelBelgium lorem Oh yeah I'll probably do this. Didn't know flarum shortened it so didn't think about it ? neogeo I think I considered that but didn't do it as the tags will have less space or some kind.
lorem MikeJones Awesome idea! Glad you support the idea. Thank you MikeJones Also, you must have a huge forum to have that many discussion in a post! Hehe that's a mockup but it's quite normal for art forums. ?
neogeo Hey! cool extension! I think could be cleaner if you put the "views" on the right of the replies-icon (instead of down of it) https://s15.postimg.cc/excto0wxn/flarum.jpg
lorem neogeo That's mad simple, you could do it yourself with a line or two of css. One of my flarums: ?
neogeo lorem which lines? I would like to know how to move the-views on the right (instead below comments)
lorem MichaelBelgium Oh yeah I'll probably do this. Didn't know flarum shortened it so didn't think about it ? Please do it soon, thank you. ?
MichaelBelgium lorem Somehow it doesn't work as I expected to be, on your screenshot it shows "1.2K" but when i add the same function that flarum uses it just shows as "1K". I guess this has to do it for now? /shrug (no shrug emoji smh)
robinodds Cool extension ? Is there any way to avoid this? (views count over Discussions titles on mobile)
lorem MichaelBelgium What does it do when the count is bigger say 1600, does it show as 1.5K, 2K, or 1K? This is very unlikely, but maybe it's just rounding the number. ? I'd still choose the abbreviated number even if it weren't accurate.
MichaelBelgium lorem It shows 1K and i expect 1.6K, but the function floors the result so it doesn't show anything after the comma. I left it as it is. The update is live btw (package version 0.1.0-beta.7-3.3)
lorem MichaelBelgium Going by the function you posted, we shouldn't have been expecting it to do that in the first place. It only abbreviates to integers, and rounds to floor instead of ceil at that. ? Thank you, I've updated my installation to 7-3.3.
newbi3 MichaelBelgium Thanks <3 works fine. MichaelBelgium Did you play SAMP by any chance? I saw your name somewhere lol