askvortsov serdo Looks like it's unable to load assets. What's the contents of your public/assets folder? A screenshot or ls output would be very useful.
GreXXL SychO Step 1: Ensure you are on version 0.1.0-beta.15 in your Admin Dashboard or by running php flarum info (use the previous release notes for upgrading from an earlier version) this links to version 14 - should link to version 15.
askvortsov serdo Odd, seems to match. You should try running php flarum cache:clear (or using the button on the Admin dashboard page (under tools)). However, I suspect that the issue is with your webserver not properly serving static files.
askvortsov askvortsov However, I suspect that the issue is with your webserver not properly serving static files. Then this is most likely the issue
tankerkiller125 I would double check that your config.php file has the correct HTTP(s) protocol to match your URL. If it doesn't match then you are going to see this issue.