enricodx So, what is the base font of Flarum? It utilises the sans-serif on the user's system or something specific? Helvetica? Roboto? 🤔
fakruzaruret system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,segoe ui,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Oxygen,Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif May be all of them 😁
wonderbeel fakruzaruret They are fallback, it works this way more or less: Browser, can you use system-ui as the font? Browser, can you use -apple-system as the font? ... Browser, can you use a sans-serif font? (For a more detailed answer, I suggest to read at least how font-family works) So it really depends on what your browser/operating system combination can actually use as a font. You can see which font you are currently using from the debugger (in Chrome IIRC it is at the end of the computed tab, Firefox has a dedicated font tab instead) or using addons like this one.
SychO It uses the system font, so that depends on the OS, could be Ubuntu if you're on ubuntu, Segoe UI in you're on windows, ...etc