Hi Team,
Previously we have installed flarum versions : * v0.1.0-beta.13. we have removed it also.
Now, when we are trying to install Flarum 1.0.
It's giving an error like below
Creating a "flarum/flarum" project at "./"
Installing flarum/flarum (v1.0.0)
- Downloading flarum/flarum (v1.0.0)
- Downloading flarum/flarum (v1.0.0)
- Downloading flarum/flarum (v1.0.0)
- Downloading flarum/flarum (v1.0.0)
Failed to download flarum/flarum from dist: curl error 35 while downloading https://api.github.com/repos/flarum/flarum/zipball/d5b2515f5470f36efc8bfd1a5688503e1f0d195d: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to api.github.com:443
Now trying to download from source
- Syncing flarum/flarum (v1.0.0) into cache
Cloning failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos
Head to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo&description=Composer+on+administrator-virtual-machine+2021-06-04+1559
to retrieve a token. It will be stored in "/home/administrator/.composer/auth.json" for future use by Composer.
Token (hidden):
No token given, aborting.
You can also add it manually later by using "composer config --global --auth github-oauth.github.com <token>"
- Installing flarum/flarum (v1.0.0): Cloning d5b2515f54
Install of flarum/flarum failed
Could not delete /var/www/html/flarum/.:**_
PHP Version: 7.4.18
Composer Version: 2.1.1
Could you please help me with the above issue.
Thanks in advance !!!!