Import youtube video comments into the discussion is an extension idea based on a Wordpress plugin .
You may ask why you want to import comments? there are cases where users ask learning questions/tips and after they get a reply from the admin due to various privacy reasons they delete their comments in such cases where admin/teacher/instructor's time and efforts get wasted due to this. if we can create an archive at our site & if someone has similar doubt or question we can share the same discussion link with them.
There are several videos about how to import comments using API to google sheets (python). i hope this is completely possible with a flarum extension.
The extension need to import all video comments into a discussion using youtube API
features & Extension Functionality:
- Should support importing comments from one or multiple videos into one single discussion.

- Youtube sub replies need to be created as replies to parent posts in flarum discussion maintaining youtube actual date and time.
- Edited comments need to be created as new (if an edited comment is a reply to parent comment it should create a new post at flarum mention parent post) if this is hard to implement due to API limitations we can completely ignore importing edited comments.
- all imported posts should goto pending and wait for approval (if possible add a feature to set this behaviour at admin , like approve all future import comments, or pending)

- view source button for imported post

if its this kind of view causes an issue we can use a spoiler insted

If the extension is completely removed posts should have youtube IDS in DB
If the extension is reinstalled it should work without any obstacles it should continue importing from where it left
Should have a log of how many queries are used at the admin panel for each manual or auto-sync (you can also take advantage of any other free extensions for this)
At admin panel should have a global Manual sync button where it triggers to import new comments in all discussions.
At admin panel should have a global auto-sync mode (import schedule hourly, daily, weekly OR completely turn off auto-sync)
Should able to configure Youtube API settings at admin panel
allow performing bulk delete of a single sync action, like undo the changes (not permanent delete of posts)
Should not import the same comment multiple times.
After importing we may move the post to a different discussion, after moving importer should not import that particular comment again it should always prevent importing the same comment.
If we delete the post it should not import the same comment again (we usually delete one time, we do not perform permanent delete)
If we edit an imported post it should not import that comment again
Posts should be made by a specific user (refer to the first image) , allow selecting default posting user at the discussion level