I am available to create a tutorial for your Flarum installation or any website. Although you could possibly do this yourself, this enables you to focus on more important things.
Below is a link which will take you to a simple example. You may want your tutorial to focus more on how markdown works, or some custom feature only at your forum/website.
The tutorial can be placed on any server and includes interactive checkboxes and table of contents. Small adjustments can be made such as using a different color box to highlight where you click. Or, instead of a box, I could use a circle. Plus arrows, text, and various other markings could be added.
First, I want to gauge if there is any interest in this service. If I get multiple replies below, then I will set up some sort of order form and give more instructions here. Yes, "order form." Because that's the catch. I would like to ask for at least $5.00 for these tutorials. Which I believe is very fair. It just gives me a little something for my time. I'm also thinking $5.00 would cover most basic tutorials. If you wanted, let's say, over 50 steps, I might need $10.00+. 🙂