JasperVriends djemyjenab Ah, I'm glad to hear you have found a way! I've quickly wrote a short knowledge base article which I will mention in the main post in any case this happens again to someone else: https://community.v17.dev/knowledgebase/45-i-locked-myself-out
djemyjenab luceos my shared hosting cannot use composer. Learn the hard way cpanel - local host > cpanel 😛 Thank You Sir, @JasperVriends luceos
luceos JasperVriends another option for people without direct db access might be the extiverse helper, it has a command to disable and enable extensions..
S4H i locked myself out help help help I removed the extension from composer but the problem is not solved See
luceos S4H have you read the article linked in OP? https://community.v17.dev/knowledgebase/45-i-locked-myself-out
GreXXL Did you try disabling the extension? php flarum extension:disable flarum-third-party-login-only
RelicSystem note to anyone needing it, seems to be incompatible with fof/direct-links https://discuss.flarum.org/d/34158 - both register the route /login which results in an error