Darkle Hi, I have a problem with the mobile interface, I would like to prevent the back arrow from appearing, so the hamburger menu would not be removed on the rest of the pages other than the main page, is there a simple way to do this?
askvortsov Darkle Ah, the first PR I ever opened! flarum/core1999 In theory this should get fixed with flarum/core867, but I don't think that will happen soon. I reopened the linked issue, would be good to have.
Darkle askvortsov I guess applying that small PR on my installation (assuming it still works) is not recommended, right? Yeah, it would be nice to apply that small change before the full revamp of the mobile interface 🙂
jordanjay29 Darkle No, please don't apply that PR. That's for a Beta version (pre-1.0.x) and the code is not tested or up to date with the latest releases. You can subscribe to the issue linked so you get more immediate updates on its progress if you like.