Weeboo Polish language for Flarum Special thanks: Sassek @jordanjay29 @Dominion Installation: composer require glombers/flarum-ext-poland Source can be found at Github Issues Packagist Live Demo
Weeboo @Kulga I could change the Polish language in the list of add-ons for this? The old language is not present in the new version. https://discuss.flarum.org/d/672-polish-language-extension to https://github.com/glombers/flarum-ext-polish
Glombersik Krugerz This package is fully translated panel of the user. Not only Polonized admistratora
jordanjay29 Glombersik What Krugerz means is that many of the locale files in your extension still contain English phrases. This might not be great for someone who isn't fluent in English (the language has subtlety that even native speakers miss).