journalofavegan Hi everyone. I'm planning to create a community site of my website, a vegan content platform. I would like to change original Flarum and make it more ask a question type of forum. For instance, instead of showing how many posts have in a discussion, it's more important to courage users to upvote discussions created. I would like to share more whats in my mind but I was wondering if anyone can help me with the project? It's also important that my community forum has been branded as my website:
yang555 journalofavegan You might be able to use the css code from
010101 journalofavegan One idea is go to Core’s Less folder. Take the most common CSS/Less out of there. Paste into admin appearance custom CSS box. Start making small changes. Check each change often in at least two different browsers. It will be very time consuming especially if you’ve never worked with CSS. But, because it is time consuming, that’s why most won’t do it for free.
Justoverclock hi, for the upvote, flarum have an extension that fit your needs, is gamification for the design part i think you need to customize colors, header to match your website, is not too difficult, you can ask here for help o maybe you can hire someone.
journalofavegan Justoverclock I know that much css coding but what I want is for instance, showing some UI designs (ex. from dribble) to a developer and ask for help. OR maybe we can figure it out together.
luceos If you need paid assistance please flag this discussion or comment so that we can move it into the services tag.
journalofavegan Justoverclock no. there are some designs for question&answer forums on dribble. I would like someone help to make appropriate changes.
journalofavegan Justoverclock we are a volunteering based-platform so we do not have a budget spared for that.
Umutcan journalofavegan You want a custom UI design and you want it done for free. am i right? This is so stupid.
Justoverclock Umutcan please don’t be rude with other people. Is simply a request, maybe someone with some free time can do this
journalofavegan 010101 Thank you. I wasn't waiting for something from the scratch, I was wondering if anyone did it already, might help me too.