Anyone have advice where the dev docs are still TBD?
I've tried to reverse engineer the main project, but still composer test:unit
says "no tests"
| - src
|- tests
|- unit
\ ClassNameTest.php
test case:
namespace Webbinaro\Affiliator\Tests\unit;
use Flarum\Testing\unit\TestCase;
use Webbinaro\Affiliator\PostAffiliatorSerializer;
class AffiliatorSerializerTest extends TestCase
public function setUp(): void
* @test
*. Use annotation, prefix and suffix for good measure... :shrug:
public function test_suffix_added_test()
eddies-mbp:flarum-affiliator eddie$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit.unit.xml --list-suites
PHPUnit 9.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Available test suite(s):
- Flarum Unit Tests
eddies-mbp:flarum-affiliator eddie$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit.unit.xml --list-tests
PHPUnit 9.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Available test(s):
eddies-mbp:flarum-affiliator eddie$ composer test:unit
> phpunit -c tests/phpunit.unit.xml
PHPUnit 9.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
No tests executed!