I wanted to recover the old topic of galleries that there have been many discussions about it, my intention is to finally bring it to Flarum, that's why I want to expose the ideas and discuss about it, if you are interested in sponsoring this feature to have it as soon as possible, let me know here or through Discord (Darkle#2075).
I have thought of two approaches to implement the galleries:
1. FoF Polls like approach.
This approach is quite inspired by how FoF Polls works, including an additional button next to the choose tags button, which will allow to show a pop-up where to enter the images.
Clicking on it will show a pop-up where we will be able to enter the images either via link or via FoF Upload (so integration will be required). It is more visual for the user but probably the biggest disadvantage is that it would be limited to the first post and its position would also be blocked.
2. Image stacking detection (Formatting)
With this approach no special implementation or specific integration with FoF Upload would be needed, as this would be done "underneath" directly through the composer so it would be much more flexible (you could create a gallery anywhere in the main post or reply), it would consist of images followed by a line break (what happens when you select several images in the FoF Upload Media manager) being automatically wrapped in a gallery when publishing the post.
In both approaches, the end result in the discussion would be something like this:
On the publishing side of the extension, I have to say that personally I wouldn't care what form it takes, open source, premium giving licenses for sponsors... I leave the decision to the developer who makes the extension.