Hello everyone,
not so long ago, I have begun the work on my Flarum migrations repository. Originally, I wanted to add database support to my pyFlarum Python package, but later I decided to create a separate project for this, as I want to expand it in the future.
The main objective of the repository is to create ORM for popular discussion/forum software and then provide migration scripts for them. So far, I have wrapped a couple of Flarum's tables based on Flarum's database schema.
I will convert the database schema of various forum software to an ORM. There will also be a generic model for discussions, posts, etc... so vice-versa migrations are possible (I am looking to expand this in the future, so possibly not just X <-> Flarum
, but also X <-> X
, which would be amazing and beneficial for everyone - but for now, I am keeping it smaller, so Flarum migrations only).
My main obstacle is that I do not have database samples to work with, therefore I cannot test whether the migration scripts actually work or not. Once I finish converting the entire schema of Flarum and its extensions, I am stuck. Some of the schema for popular software and frameworks can be Googled, but most of them are outdated or incorrect.
Therefore, I come with a request for the community - if you have a non-Flarum community, access to the database and you are looking forward to migrate to Flarum, please do let me know.
The way I imagine this is that I will receive your database dump so that I can improve my project. Don't worry, your data will be kept confidential and won't leave my computer. In return, you will make my idea a reality and unlock the potential to migrate to Flarum from X
easily (and you will receive the Flarum version of the dump, essentially allowing you to migrate)
Any help with this is very much appreciated. If you are interested, you can message me at Discord (Kevo#7590) or E-mail me at me@kevo.link, I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
I don't have any special requests as of what format the data should be in, but ideal is if:
- the dump can be converted to a SQLite3 database (e. g.: via mysql2sqlite/if it's a SQLite3 database (even better)
- it is a database of a forum/discussion software (so it contains threads, replies, likes, PMs, etc.), although a WordPress migration could be possible somehow
Also note that I work on this project in my spare time, so it won't be complete very soon. There is still a lot of work to do. I am also open for suggestions/criticism, why and why not, etc....