Hello, my problem is the following: I had an error 521 on my website
About two months ago I got a 521 error on my website, I use a vps under ubuntu.
It seems to me that the problem occurred because of a problem with a plugin but I don't really know anymore.
I tried many things, delete the cache, update all the plugins etc etc, there is not much in the /storage/logs folder or nothing at all which shocks me a little.
Here is my nginx configuration : https://altbin.dev/qedamiveto.nginx
Here is my ufw : https://altbin.dev/awofazibug.http (the port 4299 is the ssh port that I modified.)
I don't know what to do after the attempts I made, if you have any ideas I am listening to you.
Flarum information
I use the latest version of flarum.
Here is also what php flarum info sends me : https://pastebin.com/raw/TwaBe9cy
Thank you in advance for the help you will give me.