pierres Hi, I ran flarum-cli audit infra --fix on my extension and now flarum-bot commits vendor files into my git repository. This somehow seems incorrect to me as these files should be shipped by Flarum and not the extension. In addition to this vendor is excluded via .gitignore.
SychO pierres we did a big rewrite to the workflow to unify JS steps (format checking, type checking type coverage, building, ..etc), this definitely shouldn't be happening 🤔 though. Let me look into this.
pierres I guess these lines match the dist folder within vendor as well: https://github.com/flarum/action-build/blob/master/src/jobs/commitChangesToGit.ts#L42-L43 Using the -f flags also adds files matched by .gitignore "Allow adding otherwise ignored files.".
SychO This should be fixed now, make sure to untrack the vendor files and try again, let me know if it's all good!
pierres Thanks for looking into this so quickly. I have reset the commit and this time the bot did not commit vendor files.