I feel stupid asking this as I believe it's been asked a lot but I've struggled finding an article relating to it.
Apologies if I've repeated someone else's topic if found.
My question is...is there any way to implement more levels for subcategories? I am using Flarum for many of my upcoming community discussion sites, but one in particular is for a product catalogue for creators/authors to submit their work to an evergrowing digital database.
What's stopping me...I have been trying to get my head round using just one main category and one level of subcategories. Because the products are incredibly specific the one level subcategory doesn't narrow down results and therefore opens up confusing users finding a specific product to their liking.
Example solution...
Main category > Subcategory 1 > Subcategory 2 > Subcategory 3...and so forth.
Is this possible to do or does it create issues?
Finally, is there an extension for the search bar to search for specific post titles?
Again, me being stupid and not having much knowledge around how things work...
My problem I'm having is, the posts will mostly contain 'Class' followed by the number of the train specified.
Example...Post 1: Class 66, Post 2: Class 350, Post 3: Class 170.
Search: Class 170...
Results: Every single post that contains the word 'Class' instead of narrowing to Class 170 posts only.
Is there a way round this too?
Many thanks!