kebindong my site (flarum 1.5.0 Apache2) have an error when sign up, when turn debug on, it shows Internal error 500, POST
Are there any logs under yourflarumdir/storage/logs
? You may use the troubleshooting docs for useful tips on how to debug Flarum errors, if you haven't already.
You probably won't have to do that. I think that you should focus on what causes the error first, through the log files (as I have mentioned above).
I think yes, it seems okay to me
kebindong After upgraded, do I need to configure php.ini for new php version.
That's usually not needed, your old php.ini
should stay unchanged and should still be valid, unless there were any breaking changes. But honestly, when FreeFlarum upgraded from 7.4 to 8.0.1, we haven't changed our configuration and we were good to go with the old values.