r4nchy I don't know how I can solve this issue. I have moved everything in /public/ to the root directory, because I wasn't able to change the domain root directory. (as explained in the installation guide)
luceos r4nchy what webserver do you use? For apache and nginx Flarum ships with some basic protection measures inside the .htaccess and .nginx.conf files.
clarkwinkelmann r4nchy we don't have any example for public-less LiteSpeed configuration in our documentation unfortunately. You'll have to take inspiration from the Apache/nginx rules and use the LiteSpeed equivalent to rewrite rules. I have never used this personally so no idea how it's called.
luceos According to the litespeed site it should support .htaccess files without issue; can you confirm that file exists? And if it does, you might want to reach out to hostinger about this then.